
Master’s Thesis

Cancer cell growth measurement using computer vision and machine learning


S. Kahnemouyi, A. Pourshafiee, N. Cramer, H. Kassamnath, K. Obracza, M. Teodorescu, J. Glen. “RF Network Localization for Unmanned Robotic Systems” AIAA SciTech. San Diego, CA. Jan 2016.


A. Pourshafiee, S.Rad, A. Lohith, C. Cable, R. E. Ozel, S. Kahnemouyi, J. Raskatov, M. Teodorescu, N. Pourmand. Automated Cell Identification Device. Poster presented at: CITRIS Day 2015; Oct. 13, 2015; Berkeley, CA. ACID

A. Lohith, S.Rad, A. Pourshafiee, C. Cable, R. E. Ozel, J. Raskatov, M. Teodorescu, N. Pourmand. Single-cell Automated Imaging and Nano-injection Tool. Poster presented at: CITRIS Day 2015; Oct. 13, 2015; Berkeley, CA. SAINT

J. Baumgartner,  A. Pourshafiee, S. Kahneouyi, R. Dal, J. Spritzer, M. Teodorescu. Collaborative Distributed Sensing Rovers. Poster presented at: 2014 NASA Ames-UC Research Review Day; Feb. 10, 2014; Moffet Field, CA. Collaborative Roving Sensor

S. Kahnemouyi, A. Pourshafiee, A. Seger, N. Pourmand, M. Teodorescu. Biologists’ Voltmeter. Poster presented at: 2014 NASA Ames-UC Research Review Day; Feb. 10, 2014; Moffet Field, CA. Biologists’ Voltmeter

G. Budd, A. Pourshafiee, S. Kahnemouyi,  T. Ho, L. Bravo,  S. Mohammed. UCSC Autonomous Rover. Poster Presented at: UC Santa Cruz Industrial Partners Day and Senior Design Poster Session; June 13. 2013; Santa Cruz, CA. UCSC Autonomous Rover